Saturday, 7 January 2017

University of Lagos

In adjustment to accomplish accelerated industrialization and development afterwards independence, Nigeria bare to advance in the training of a able workforce. The basal charge to actualize added universities to ability this ambition was facilitated by the enactment of the University of Lagos in 1962. The Eric Ashby Commission on Post Academy Certificate and Higher Apprenticeship was accustomed by the Nigerian Government in May 1959. The Ashby Commission’s report, blue-blooded Investment in Education, recommended the enactment of a new university in Lagos, the again Federal Capital, to accommodate apprenticeship for accepting in Economics, Commerce, Business Administration, and Higher Management Studies. In 1961, UNESCO Advisory Commission was assigned the abundant planning of the new university by the Federal Government. However, admitting the Ashby Commission had envisaged a non-residential academy which would be cited in the business commune of Central Lagos, the UNESCO Commission free for a acceptable university, “a complete all encompassing institution” with residential adaptation on a ample campus. Following the accepting of the UNESCO Commission’s report, the University of Lagos was accustomed on 22 October 1962 on the ascendancy of the University of Lagos Act of 1962. The act provided for a conditional board for the university, a assembly to administer over bookish affairs, and a abstracted board for the College of Medicine. This was rather abnormal for, by ascendancy of the act, the University consisted of two abstracted institutions—the capital university and an free medical school. The hotlink amid the two institutions was aerial at best, consisting of alternate representation on both councils and associates in the University Assembly by advisers in the medical school. The adjudicator is the august arch of the university who, in the name of the university, confers all degrees. The Vice-Chancellor is amenable for the circadian active of the university and answerable to the council. The board is amenable for the alternative of all vice-chancellors, agent vice-chancellors and deans of faculty. The albatross for acclimation all teaching, analysis and bookish functions of the university avalanche on the senate, as set out in the University of Lagos Act and in the Statute of the University of Lagos. Additionally, the interests of the university's accepting are represented by the Students' Representative Board (SRC), which aswell selects assembly to the assembly and board via the Dean of Apprentice Affairs.The university has remained one of the a lot of aggressive in the country in agreement of admissions. Notwithstanding, with about 57,000 accepting as of 2013, the University of Lagos has one of the better apprentice populations of any university in the country.The University of Lagos is a part of the aboriginal bearing of universities in Nigeria and aswell one of the twenty-five federal universities which are overseen and accepted by the National Universities Commission. The university has aswell congenital a bequest of bookish excellence[citation needed] and is now acclaimed about as "the University of Aboriginal Choice and the Nation's Pride." The University of Lagos is a Centre for bookish research. The university's analysis action was one of the above belief acclimated by the National Universities Commission (NUC) in adjudging the university as the best university in Nigeria at the Nigerian University System Annual Merit Award (NUSAMA) in 2008.The capital campus is amid at Akoka, Yaba, while the Medical Campus of the College of Medicine is amid a few kilometers from the capital campus at Idi-Araba, Surulere, all on the Lagos mainland. The university has abounding added residential accessories and casework for both agents and students. The University of Lagos has fourteen bookish units absolute a ample ambit of able commonsense and schools. A lot of commonsense are amid on the capital campus except the Commonsense of Pharmacy, Clinical Sciences, Basic Medical Sciences and Dental Sciences, which are amid aural the College of Medicine in Idi Araba. The College of Medicine is aswell the website of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). The university aswell has added centers and institutes in accession to the assorted departments in its faculties. The bookish bodies of the University abide of the full-time undergraduate programs, the Distance Learning Institute (DLI) and the Academy of Postgraduate studies (full-time and part-time programs) whose affecting advance has admiring the appellation "the Lagoon Lighthouse". The University of Lagos offers abounding Bookish Programs. Areas of apprenticeship and analysis are abbreviated in the table below:

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